Discover how to bring your video visions to life and experience the power of the Thinkific platform.

Curious about Thinkific?

You don't need to be an expert with a full camera crew to make great video! You will learn how to create professional and engaging videos thanks to XayLi's expert insights for finding your light, choosing editing software, recording tips and more! Not only will this course have you creating beautiful video and practicing your Oscar acceptance speech in the mirror, it will also provide a first hand look into the student experience of the Thinkific online course platform.
Discover how to bring your video visions to life and experience the power of the Thinkific platform.

Here's what you'll learn

Actionable tips and tools to level up your course content

  • Types of Video

    Video can be one of the most effective ways to get your students engaged in your lesson. Learn from XayLi the 3 types of videos that she loves to use, and her students love to interact with, in her courses.

  • Video Editing

    You don't need to be a professional editor to create professional looking video! XayLi will show the tools you can use to edit your videos to ensure they're polished and delivering the message you want.

  • Simple Steps to Start

    Reduce the overwhelm you feel when thinking about creating your video content. You'll expert learn tips and tricks about how you can easily create effective videos for your course.

Course curriculum

  • 01
    Welcome to the Thinkific Student Experience!
    Show Content
    • Hello from Paddy at Thinkific!
  • 02
    Chapter 1: Ready to Start, Shoot, Grow?
    Show Content
    • Introduction
    • Before We Begin, A Short Lesson in Course Creation
  • 03
    Chapter 2: How to Set Up & Record Amazing Video Content With Ease
    Show Content
    • How to Set Up & Record Amazing Video Content With Ease for Your Courses
  • 04
    Chapter 3: Helpful Resources
    Show Content
    • Video for Courses Guide
    • Video Lighting Set Up For Small Spaces
    • Want to learn more?
  • 05
    Want to Learn More?
    Show Content
    • Create your free Thinkific account
  • XayLi uses Thinkific to empower entrepreneurs and brands to create content that will help them grow.

    Meet the course creator

    XayLi Barclay is a Lifestyle Blogger and Visual Content Creation Coach who specializes in helping entrepreneurs effectively stand out in the digital space. Through captivating images and original video content she teaches others how to effortlessly create the visual appearance they’ve always dreamed of in order to unlock multiple revenue streams, attract paid opportunities and connect with their audience.

    XayLi Barclay

    Visual Strategy & Content Creation Coach

    XayLi Barclay

Create, market, and sell online courses with Thinkific.

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